It’s easy! Simply choose one of the bouquets listed on our site and place your order or configure your own arrangement and send us a message. You can also send us a picture of the bouquet you’d like to have delivered and we’ll show it to our florist who’ll try to match it as closely as possible.
Add the item(s) you choose to your shopping cart by clicking the ‘Add to cart’ button.
Then click either the ‘View cart’ button or hover over ‘View your shopping cart’ and click ‘Checkout’.
Enter your Billing address. In the Shipping address section please choose ‘Bulgaria’ in the drop-down menu and then enter the full name, address, and telephone number of the recipient.
Then click the ‘Place order’ button and you’ll be directed to where you can submit your payment.
Your order will go to our company ‘Online Florists Network.’
If you have any questions or concerns please don’t hesitate to contact us.
Why do we use PayPal?
We believe that PayPal is one of the most secure ways of processing your Credit/Debit card over the Internet.
Use your credit card and get all the benefits of it – without exposing your card number. Plus, check out with just a few clicks.
Bulgaria Flower Delivery never holds your card details on file, unlike other online sites that hold your payment details in unsecured areas.
100% protection against any unauthorized payments sent from your account.
Every purchase confirmed with an email receipt.
Speed through checkout with one account, one password across multiple sites.
Pay with your credit card, debit card, or bank account. Your choice.